гости!!! Как только котята продаются, фото сразу же удаляются
с сайта. Если наши специалисты не успели Вам ответить,
пожалуйста пришлите смс на
телефон 8-915-322-28-82 +7-903-112-07-92
или на почту bestcats@mail.ru
Дорогие гости, друзья, коллеги и любители
кошечек, на этой странице
Мы рады представить Вам лучших котят таких пород как
Шотландская Вислоухая (Scottish Fold)
Короткошерстная Плюшевая
Цены на котят указаны без права на разведение, но для
Права и условия на разведение обговариваются
индивидуально с каждым человеком.
Скидки пенсионерам, детям,
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Фотографии сайта являются собственностью питомника deja
vu. Запрещено любое
| We have kittens! For
more info please contact me by the phone +7-903-112-07-92 or
+7-915-322-28-82 or bestcats@mail.ru
can be choosen and booked starting fom the 6-8 weeks old.
They can quit
cattery aged 11 week. Trip to another country is possible
starting from
16 week. At this time they will be fulling
vaccinated, have pedigree
and vet. passport. A contract is sign before
making reservation and
purchasing. We can also arrange formalities for a foreign
transfer at buyer
Помет Эксклюзивны мишка Exclusive male kitten red point 2 month окрас ред-поинт, голубые глаза котенок, кот топ шоу класса бэби фэйс, плюшевая,шикарная шертска шелковистая и очень плотная идеальный характер, настоящий друг очень любит играть и общается со всеми идеально подойдет в семью с маленькими детьми Возраст 2 месяца
НИЖЕ видео котика
Помет Ангелы из Рая котик. male kitten, silver-red tabby окрас серебристо-красный пятнистый маленький принц ждет свой дом!
Замечательный котик,male kitten 2 месяца red-point окрас ред-поинт голубоглазый
потрясающий, такой элегантный и милый кот шотландский вислоухий длинношерстный (хайленд фолд) окраса ред поинт голубоглазый идеальная шелковая шерстка, удобна в уходе и не линяет круглые совиные глаза - не оставят вас равнодушными очень ласковый, идеальный выставочный темперамент малыш ждет свой дом. шоу класс, бэби фэйс male kitten, top show hiland fold red-point colour
кошечка окраса сил торти пойнт с белым шоу класса. бэйби-фэйс малышка для ценителей эксклюзивной красоты потрясающая кондиция шерсти, безупречный окрас очень ласковая. трогательная female exclusive kitten
Кошечка, золотой мраморный окрас потрясающая, очень красивая и нежная настоящий друг топ шоу класса, бэйби-фэйс ждет свою семью с кубком и наградами female kitten, top show class baby face, gold marble colour waiting her new famyly with her awards).
Кошечка, шоу класса окрас белый шоу класса female kitten white show class
ПОДРОБНЕЕ О КОТЯТАХ ПО ТЕЛЕФОНУ 8-903-112-07-92 Scottish
Fold Breed Profile In 1961 a shepherd by the name of
William Ross spotted the
first known Scottish Fold cat at a farm near Coupar Angus in the Tayside
Region of Scotland, Northwest of Dundee. Ross asked the owners if he
could have one of the kittens, and proceeded to develop the breed from
the original, Susie, a white barn cat.
The unique thing about this cat was that her ears folded
forward and downward on her head. The resulting look gave the impression
of a "pixie”, "owl”, or "teddy bear” that has captured the hearts of
many American cat fanciers and judges. The Scottish Fold was granted
championship status by The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in 1978.
Scottish Folds come in two types: folded ear and straight
(normal) ear. The folded ear is produced by an incomplete dominant gene
and is the result of a spontaneous mutation.
Over the last two decades the Scottish Fold has
developed a look all its
own...even though allowed outcrosses include American Shorthairs and
British Shorthairs. The Fold does not necessarily resemble the American
Shorthair’s hard, powerful "working cat” body and squared-off muzzle.
Nor does it look like the British Shorthair’s massive, compact body,
short legs, and flat planed top-head. The Fold, instead, is a medium cat
with a rounded, well-padded body and a short, dense, and resilient
coat. It has large, round, broadly spaced eyes full of sweetness;
well-rounded whisker pads and a short nose with a gentle curve in
Scottish Fold kittens are born with straight
ears. At about three to
four weeks of age, their ears fold...or they don’t! It is usually around
eleven to twelve weeks of age that the breeder can determine the
quality (pet, breeder or show). Presently, only folded ear cats of
Scottish lineage are permitted in the show ring, and naturally, every
breeder wants to produce show cats. The straight ear progeny of Scottish
Folds, nevertheless, are invaluable to the breeding program.
Due to the rarity of the Fold, AND due to the fact that not
every kitten born has folded ears, it is very hard for the supply to
keep up with the demand
Scottish Folds are hardy
cats, much like their barnyard ancestors. Their
disposition matches their sweet expression. They have tiny voices and
are not extremely vocal. They adore human companionship and display this
in their own quiet way.
Scottish Folds adapt to
almost any home situation and are as comfortable
in a room full of noisy children and dogs as they are in a single
person’s dwelling. They don’t usually panic at shows or in strange hotel
rooms, and they adjust to other animals extremely well.
The Scottish Fold is an undemanding cat. A clean environment,
nutrition, and generous doses of love are its only
Usually breeders make kittens available
between twelve and sixteen weeks
of age. After twelve weeks, kittens have had their basic inoculations
and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new
environment, showing, or being transported by air. Keeping such a rare
treasure indoors, neutering or spaying and providing acceptable surfaces
(e.g. scratching posts) for the natural behavior of scratching (CFA
disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery) are essential elements
for maintaining a healthy, long and joyful
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